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Terms of Service
Sorrentino dot Net's Terms of Service

I'm sure you have heard the expression (or a variant), "it's all well and good until somebody gets hurt". If not, well, now you have. The tricky part about getting people to play nicely in any environment is to establish some ground rules and enforce them when needed. This page exists to let you know what we expect from anyone using the services we offer.

Use of our site and associated services requires that you:
  • Refrain from posting messages or information which are inflammatory or illegal.
  • Do not use our services to harass others.
  • Do not attempt to impersonate others or present credentials that are not your own.
  • Do not use our systems to attack/crack/hack/probe themselves or other systems.
A good rule of thumb would be to consider whether you would be comfortable discussing your "action" with your mother, priest, rabbi, etc.

This site is, by its very nature, family-oriented. As such, we personally review requests for accounts and will limit access to family members if our services are abused. In other words, if you want a free throw-away email account, don't waste our resources! Sign up for Hotmail or Yahoo! Mail instead.

The services we do offer are provided at our discretion and are subject to removal at our discretion. We make no warranties and assume no liabilities for inconvenience you may experience during an outage or the loss of our services and systems. This is not to imply we'll be issuing and yanking services to keep you hopping like a puppet on a string; rather that we provide these services for free and we don't owe you anything if an issue arises.

We support open web standards. This page contains both Valid XHTML 1.0 and Valid CSS.
Unless otherwise noted, all content © 1998 - 2004 Scott Sorrentino